Wednesday, April 30, 2014
It was so nice to hug him again, I really do not know what I will do when he leaves. I feel like he's going to leave and then that is it. No more us, ever. I of course do not want that to be the case, I think everyone knows that if he asked me to follow him I would. Anywhere. Its two and a half months away, both of our lives will change obviously for different reasons. It is a lot sooner than it seems.
He's going back to the store to work, I'm torn between that. It has the potential to be good, good for us, good for him and me as individuals, but its the story of us and the story of us comes with bad. I hope everyone can mind their business and keep to themselves. I'm in a different place than I once was. I'm not an open book like I have been for so long, so no one really has an idea on where the two of us stand. I just know everyone will try to bud in. I'm sure I'll start hearing things soon, fun. It's funny actually, we both left and we're both back.
I hope he messages me today, I want another hug. I want us to be okay. I want us to stay okay. I want to put this whole "David picture thing behind us." The picture was part of a stupid plan to hurt someone who hurt me (Vanessa not Anthony, I would never put a picture with a guy online to hurt Anthony I AM ABOVE that, also I don't want to ever hurt Anthony.) I hope yesterday wasn't a booty call.